Planeacion Batas
Security Alert: Unusual mail sign-in from unauthorized IP address
Mail account Unusual mail sign-in from unauthorized IP address We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to your mail account on 5/2/2025 12:39:41 (GMT). from an unauthorized geolocation. If this was you, then you can safely ignore this email. Country/region: North Korea Platform: One UI Browser: Naenara IP address: If this wasn't you, your account has been compromised. Please follow these steps: 1. Reset your password. 2. Review your security info. 3. Learn how to make your account more secure. You can also opt out or change where you receive security notifications. Thanks, Mail Support
por " Mail Support" <> - 08:39 - 5 feb 2025 -
Security Alert: Unusual mail sign-in from unauthorized IP address
Mail account Unusual mail sign-in from unauthorized IP address We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to your mail account on 5/2/2025 05:10:52 (GMT). from an unauthorized geolocation. If this was you, then you can safely ignore this email. Country/region: North Korea Platform: One UI Browser: Naenara IP address: If this wasn't you, your account has been compromised. Please follow these steps: 1. Reset your password. 2. Review your security info. 3. Learn how to make your account more secure. You can also opt out or change where you receive security notifications. Thanks, Mail Support
por " Mail Support" <> - 01:11 - 5 feb 2025 -
Multiple unusual login attempts
Multiple unusual login attempts on your mail account
We noticed some unusual login activity with your account. Time3/2/2025 06:58:50 (UTC) LocationEast Jerusalem, PalestineDeviceWindows 10BrowserChromeIP address719. make sure your account is secure, let us know if this was you.
por " IT Support" <> - 02:58 - 3 feb 2025 -
Your mailbox is full., your mailbox is full.
4.82 GB 4.86 GB You’re out of storage and may not receive new emails.
por " Storage" <> - 07:42 - 28 ene 2025 -
Client configuration settings error for “”.
Client Configuration settings error for "". Mail Client Manual Settings
Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended)Username: Password: Use the email account's password. Incoming Server: - IMAP Port: 993
- POP3 Port: 995
Outgoing Server: - SMTP Port: 465
IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication.Non-SSL Settings (NOT Recommended)Username: Password: Use the email account's password. Incoming Server: - IMAP Port: 143
- POP3 Port: 110
Outgoing Server: - SMTP Port: 587
IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication.Reset your incoming server settings to continue receiving all your messages.
RESET IMAP If after resetting your server and you still experience service disruption, kindly contact support for further assistance.
The system generated this notice on 26/1/2025 20:54:14 UTC.Do not reply to this automated message.
por " Panel Support" <> - 04:54 - 26 ene 2025 -
Client configuration settings error for “”.
Client Configuration settings error for "". Mail Client Manual Settings
Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended)Username: Password: Use the email account's password. Incoming Server: - IMAP Port: 993
- POP3 Port: 995
Outgoing Server: - SMTP Port: 465
IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication.Non-SSL Settings (NOT Recommended)Username: Password: Use the email account's password. Incoming Server: - IMAP Port: 143
- POP3 Port: 110
Outgoing Server: - SMTP Port: 587
IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication.Reset your incoming server settings to continue receiving all your messages.
RESET IMAP If after resetting your server and you still experience service disruption, kindly contact support for further assistance.
The system generated this notice on 24/1/2025 14:43:48 UTC.Do not reply to this automated message.
por " Panel Support" <> - 10:43 - 24 ene 2025 -
Security Alert: Unusual mail sign-in from unauthorized IP address
Mail account Unusual mail sign-in from unauthorized IP address We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to your mail account on 24/1/2025 05:43:45 (GMT). from an unauthorized geolocation. If this was you, then you can safely ignore this email. Country/region: North Korea Platform: One UI Browser: Naenara IP address: If this wasn't you, your account has been compromised. Please follow these steps: 1. Reset your password. 2. Review your security info. 3. Learn how to make your account more secure. You can also opt out or change where you receive security notifications. Thanks, Mail Support
por " Mail Support" <> - 01:43 - 24 ene 2025 -
RE: Agreement Offer
Good Day,
I'm glad we can connect here, I reviewed your reputable profile which gives me the intuition that you will be a potential business partner.
We are exploring all possibilities to initiate change on a massive scale of investment opportunities for our investors and partners.
Our investors offer personal, business, loans at a low fixed interest rate per annum.If your company has credible projects in need of funding or an established business in need of expansion, we are capable.
Serena Amani
CEO and Solicitor
Monarch Solicitors Ltd.
Address: City Point, 156 Chapel St, Manchester, M3 6BF, UK
Tel: 0161 820 8888
por "Monarch Solicitors" <> - 04:29 - 20 ene 2025 -
Unusual sign-in with your Mail account
Unusual sign-in with your Mail account
Your Mail account was just used to sign in on a new device.
15/1/2025 17:19:50 (GMT)
From address potentially located in Hebron, Palestine)If you did not make this change, reset your password . For more help, please visit the mail account activity or help center
Please do not reply to this message.
por - 12:19 - 15 ene 2025 -
Agreement Offer
Happy New Year
Good Day,I'm glad we can connect here, I reviewed your reputable profile which gives me the intuition that you will be a potential business partner.
We are exploring all possibilities to initiate change on a massive scale of investment opportunities for our investors and partners.
Our investors offer personal, business, loans at a low fixed interest rate per annum.If your company has credible projects in need of funding or an established business in need of expansion, we are capable.
Serena Amani
CEO and Solicitor
Monarch Solicitors Ltd.
Address: City Point, 156 Chapel St, Manchester, M3 6BF, UK
Tel: 0161 820 8888
por "Monarch Solicitors" <> - 06:08 - 15 ene 2025 -
Unusual sign-in with your mail account
Unusual sign-in with your mail account
Your Mail account was just used to sign in on a new device.
1/14/2025 7:45:52 p.m. Central Time
From 719. address potentially located in Moscow, Russia)If you did not make this change, reset your password . For more help, please visit the mail account activity or help center
Please do not reply to this message.
por - 09:15 - 14 ene 2025 -
Unusual sign-in activity
Unusual sign-in activity. We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to the email account Sign-in details Country/region: Russia IP address: 719. Date: 14/1/2025 14:05:32 (GMT) Platform: Windows 10 Browser: Chrome Please go to your recent activity page to let us know whether or not this was you. If this wasn't you, we'll help you secure your account. If this was you, we'll trust similar activity in the future. Review recent activity To opt out or change where you receive security notifications, click here. Thanks, Email Administrator ™ Team
This message is auto-generated from E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered.This email is meant for:
por - 09:05 - 14 ene 2025 -
Your mailbox storage is full, your mailbox storage is full.
4.82 GB 4.86 GB You’re out of storage and may not receive new emails.
por "Mailbor Storage" <> - 09:55 - 12 ene 2025 -
Oportunidad de colaboración: Estaciones de carga para vehículos eléctricos y soluciones de almacenamiento de energía
Buenos días, Somos ievpower, un fabricante líder de estaciones de carga para vehículos eléctricos y baterías de almacenamiento de energía. Actualmente estamos buscando colaborar con expertos en energías renovables como usted, especialmente aquellos con experiencia en ingeniería eléctrica.
Si está interesado en aprender más sobre cómo podemos trabajar juntos, con gusto compartiremos nuestros parámetros técnicos y catálogo de productos con usted.
No se preocupe si cree que esta oportunidad de colaboración no es adecuada para usted. Simplemente háganoslo saber.
George Chen
Whatsapp: 8613950139357
por "Energia" <> - 08:29 - 14 feb 2024 -
Especificaciones técnicas para energía fotovoltaica, almacenamiento de energía y estaciones de carga
Buenos días, Me pongo en contacto con usted para informarme sobre sus posibles necesidades en proyectos de carga de vehículos eléctricos y almacenamiento de energía.
Al agregar soluciones de carga para vehículos eléctricos (VE) perfectamente integradas con almacenamiento inteligente de energía, puede almacenar el exceso de energía solar o eólica para su uso posterior, alimentando las estaciones de carga incluso durante las horas de menor generación.
Mi nombre es George Ch, cofundador de iEVPower, un proveedor líder de soluciones integradas de carga y almacenamiento para vehículos eléctricos. Diseñamos y fabricamos cargadores de vehículos eléctricos de primera calidad, especializándonos en sistemas hechos a medida que se integran perfectamente con su infraestructura de energía renovable existente. Nuestras colaboraciones anteriores con gigantes de la industria como BYD, NIO y Leapmotor demuestran nuestra experiencia en la entrega de soluciones personalizadas que se adaptan perfectamente a diversas demandas de tecnología y rendimiento.
Le ofrecemos:
Estaciones de carga rápida DC
Sistema de cochera solar para cargar vehículos eléctricos en casa
Cargadores portátiles y de pared CA/CC
Sistema móvil de carga de emergencia para vehículos eléctricos
Soluciones integradas de almacenamiento de energía
Si tiene alguna necesidad de ingeniería energética en este campo, estaremos encantados de enviarle un catálogo electrónico y un manual técnico en el próximo correo electrónico. Que tenga un buen día.
George Chen
Whatsapp: 8613950139357
P.D. Si no he llegado al contacto correcto, por favor reenvíe este correo electrónico a la persona más relevante dentro de su organización. Gracias por su tiempo y consideración.
por "Energia" <> - 07:35 - 5 feb 2024 -
Especificaciones técnicas de fotovoltaica, almacenamiento de energía y estación de carga
Buenos días,
Ante el aumento de la adopción de vehículos eléctricos, me gustaría saber si tiene necesidades actuales de servicios de proyectos de carga dentro de su cartera de energías renovables. Al integrar sin problemas las soluciones de carga de vehículos eléctricos en sus ofertas existentes, puede crear nuevas fuentes de ingresos, atraer a clientes conscientes del medio ambiente y aumentar su impacto en la sostenibilidad.
Soy George, cofundador de iEVPower. Nuestra empresa es un fabricante líder de equipos originales de cargadores de vehículos eléctricos, especializada en soluciones de carga diseñadas a medida para las especificaciones únicas de nuestros clientes. Hemos colaborado con éxito con BYD, NIO y Leapmotor para proporcionar productos de carga personalizados que se adaptan a sus distintos requisitos tecnológicos y de rendimiento.
Nuestra gama de soluciones incluye, entre otras:
* Estaciones de carga rápida DC
* Sistema de cochera solar para carga de vehículos eléctricos en casa
* Cargadores portátiles y de pared AC/DC
* Sistema de carga móvil de emergencia para vehículos eléctricos
Si actualmente está evaluando soluciones de carga de vehículos eléctricos, estaremos encantados de enviarle muestras, catálogos electrónicos y manuales técnicos para su revisión. Esto le permitirá explorar nuestras ofertas en detalle y comunicarse con nosotros fácilmente si tiene alguna pregunta o desea iniciar una colaboración.
Gracias por considerar esta oportunidad. Espero la posibilidad de trabajar juntos.
George Ch
(Si no he contactado con la persona adecuada, ¿podría reenviar este correo electrónico al mejor contacto? Estoy seguro de que podemos ser un socio valioso en su camino hacia la carga de vehículos eléctricos).
por "George" <> - 12:10 - 24 ene 2024 -
Can you use solar panels to charge electric cars?
I am George, Co-Founder of iEVPower.
I'm reaching out to you today because I believe our products and services could be a valuable addition to your business. As you know, the demand for sustainable energy is growing rapidly, and businesses like yours are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact.
We're a leading supplier of sustainable energy solutions, including electric vehicle chargers, off-grid wind/solar power systems, hydroelectric generation systems, and energy storage solutions.
We handle everything in-house, from R&D and component sourcing to assembly and testing, enabling us to provide cost-competitive solutions with shorter lead times.
I would be happy to send the e-catalogs and technical specifications if that would be helpful.
I appreciate your time and consideration.
George Ch
Ps: If you are not in the automotive/energy field, reply "1" and we will take you off our database.
por "George" <> - 12:20 - 21 sept 2023